How To Defeat Dialga Raid Legendary Egg Guide

Strong Fighting and Ground types like Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Groudon, Excadrill, and Landorus are the best Dialga counters in Pokémon GO (Therian). Dialga is a Legendary Raid Boss from Tier 5 in Pokémon GO (53394 Combat Power).

When captured in the post-raid capture encounter, Dialga may have the following CP values:

  • In typical weather circumstances, the coordinates are 2217 – 2307 CP.

  • 2771 – 2884 CP for weather enhancements in windy and snowy conditions.

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ON THIS PAGE: How To Defeat Dialga Raid Legendary Egg Guide


Dialga is capable of being defeated by 3-6 high-level players or 7-9 lower-level opponents.

Dialga Counters List[ps2id id='Dialga Counters List' target=''/]

The following Pokémon are thought to be the greatest Dialga counters in Pokémon GO, according to the author's approach, which usually combines an emphasis on both time to victory and survival.

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# Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Lucario Counter Aura Sphere 610.02s 24.67
2. Conkeldurr Counter Dynamic Punch 649.92s 27.17
3. Groudon Mud Shot Earthquake 705.71s 20.50
4. Excadrill Mud-Slap Earthquake 710.39s 20.17
5. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Earthquake 681.42s 26.67
6. Lopunny (Mega) Low Kick Focus Blast 684.86s 29.33
7. Landorus Mud Shot Earth Power 728.22s 26.83
8. Landorus (Incarnate) Mud Shot Earth Power 726.67s 27.33
9. Rhyperior Mud-Slap Earthquake 743.32s 25.17
10. Machamp Counter Dynamic Punch 704.66s 34.00
11. Hariyama Counter Dynamic Punch 741.21s 31.50
12. Gengar (Mega) Shadow Claw Focus Blast 726.18s 35.33
13. Breloom Counter Dynamic Punch 707.19s 40.33
14. Charizard (Mega Y) Fire Spin Blast Burn 799.07s 27.00
15. Garchomp Mud Shot Earthquake 801.60s 30.50
16. Blaziken Counter Focus Blast 781.22s 34.67
17. Krookodile Mud-Slap Earthquake 808.48s 31.83
18. Donphan Mud-Slap Earthquake 838.44s 28.50
19. Mamoswine Mud-Slap Bulldoze 825.65s 36.20
20. Sirfetch'd Counter Close Combat 778.57s 39.83
21. Haxorus Counter Earthquake 791.98s 37.67
22. Heracross Counter Close Combat 808.83s 36.00
23. Toxicroak Counter Dynamic Punch 780.64s 40.83
24. Emboar Low Kick Focus Blast 823.38s 35.00
25. Golurk Mud-Slap Earth Power 822.28s 36.00
26. Golem Mud-Slap Earthquake 863.69s 34.80
27. Sawk Low Kick Focus Blast 829.07s 39.80
28. Ampharos (Mega) Charge Beam Focus Blast 933.24s 20.50
29. Swampert Mud Shot Earthquake 919.20s 26.50
30. Chesnaught Low Kick Superpower 920.59s 29.00
31. Alakazam Counter Focus Blast 825.00s 45.00
32. Reshiram Fire Fang Overheat 950.61s 22.25
33. Darmanitan Fire Fang Focus Blast 889.36s 32.25
34. Charizard (Mega X) Fire Spin Blast Burn 936.48s 24.75
35. Darmanitan (Standard) Fire Fang Focus Blast 891.06s 32.25

Analyze Dialga's Moveset[ps2id id='Analyze Dialga's Moveset' target=''/]

Fast Moves[ps2id id='Fast Moves' target=''/]

  • Dragon BreathDragon

  • Metal ClawSteel

Charge Moves[ps2id id='Charge Moves' target=''/]

  • Draco MeteorDragon

  • Iron HeadSteel

  • ThunderElectric

Dialga's most difficult moveset is Draco Meteor. DM is a powerful striking move that gains STAB and delivers neutral damage to all Fighting-type counters, with the main issue being its sheer damage output. DM will most likely KO a Machamp with one hit and severely injure a Groudon or Hariyama. There is no way around it: DM is a tough moveset that will be a challenge for smaller groupings.

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Iron Head is a Steel-typed move with two bars, making it an intriguing raid move. Basically, before a raid boss may use a charge move, it flips a coin to see whether it will be utilized. IH is a two-bar move, which means Dialga has two chances to perform a fast move instead, but it also makes the fight more unpredictable. Normally the same difficulty as Thunder, but with the additional STAB boost, it becomes a little more dangerous.

Thunder is Dialga's lowest DPS move, thus there isn't much to be concerned about. Thunder is a one-bar move that does 100 damage and is ideal for small groupings. Counters like as Groudon and Breloom will keep you alive for longer, do more damage, and save you a ton of potions.

Weather Effects[ps2id id='Weather Effects' target=''/]

Dialga will be boosted by Snow and Windy weather while being more vulnerable in Sunny and Cloudy weather.

Weather Pro Con
Sunny Boosts Ground type attackers
Windy Allows a Level 25 Encounter from Weather Boost. Boosts Dialga’s Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
Partly Cloudy
Cloudy Boosts Fighting attackers
Snow Allows a Level 25 Encounter from Weather Boost. Boosts Dialga’s Metal Claw and Iron Head
Rainy Boosts Dialga’s Thunder


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