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Sawk #539

Biology Sawk is a humanoid Pokémon with a bipedal body and rocky skin. It has an oblong-shaped head that is low on its shoulders and has an elaborate lateral z-shaped black feature that defines its nose and left brow. It has three digits on each hand and foot, with its feet and toes coming to a sharp point. It is dressed in a light blue karate gi with a black v-neck collar that continues all the way down to its black belt. Sawk will bind this black belt in order to improve its strength. The gi features a diamond design on the sleeves and a black, square patch on the bend of the knees. Sawk may be found alone in the highlands, where it exercises to gain strength. If it is disturbed when training, it grows enraged. A Sawk who has trained to its maximum ability can slice seas with a single karate chop. This Pokémon is all male, with no female equivalent. Evolution family Sawk is part of a one-member  family . Regular Shiny 268. # 539