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Sunflora #192

Sunflora is a plant Pokémon that resembles a sunflower. It has a green trunk and limbs, and a cream-colored head. It features a round head with yellow petals blooming around the rim. The petals grow more vibrant as the temperature warms. Sunflora has two toes on each foot and leaves that spread like arms from its circular body. Sunflora transforms sunshine into food. As a result, it likes to follow sunshine and is always staring in the direction of the sun. The sun swings around erratically while it is up. The sun comes to a full halt and shuts its petals as it sets. Sunflora requires lots of water in addition to sunshine. Sunflora is uncommon in the wild, however it may be found in temperate grassy meadows.   The Pokemon Sunflora is one of the various monsters that may be captured in Pokemon Go. See the criteria for evolving Sunflora here. Sunflora is a Johto second generation area that was included in the February 16, 2017 update. #192 Sunflora Info