
Showing posts with the label weedle

Weedle Community Day in June 2020

Pokemon Go's June Community Day is here. The monthly event takes place today, Saturday, June 20, and, like with the last two Community Days, developer Niantic is adjusting certain features of the event to make it easier to participate from home in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak. To help you prepare, we've compiled a list of everything you need to know about Community Day in June 2020. Weedle Community Day is Here!   [caption id="attachment_9871" align="alignnone" width="699"] Weedle_Community_Day[/caption]   June's Featured Pokemon: Weedle Niantic offered Pokemon Go users the opportunity to vote for the game's next featured Pokemon on May's Community Day, and the winning monster was Weedle. Throughout June's Community Day, the Bug/Poison type will occur in the wild considerably more often than normal, making this an excellent time to stock up on Weedle Candy. Not only will Weedle be easier to locate during