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Sneasel #215

Biology Sneasel is a bipedal mustelid Pokémon that looks like a cross between a cat and a weasel. Its main color is bluish-black, with three brilliant red feathers on its tail and one on its left ear. The female's ear feather is shorter than the male's. The other ear is small and pointed, with narrow red eyes. Yellow oval patterns cover its brow and breast. It features black eyelash-like patterns on the margins of its crimson eyes. It has lengthy limbs and retractable claws on its hands and feet. Sneasel is a very aggressive Pokémon, capable of inflicting significant damage with its claws. It also uses its claws to climb trees in boreal or subalpine woods. It may also use its claws to scare those that assault it. Sneasel has been seen stealing eggs from unguarded Pidgey nests. It has also been seen hunting in couples. Sneasels may blend into the darkness to ambush their victim. One will entice the parents to leave the nest, while the other will take the Eggs. It then pok