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Unbreon #197

Biology Umbreon is a mammalian Pokémon with a sleek, black body, four thin legs, and red eyes. When its mouth is open, it possesses two pairs of pointed teeth (one set in each jaw). It features large, pointed ears and a bushy tail, both of which are surrounded by a yellow ring. It has golden bands on its face and legs. Umbreon evolved as a consequence of Eevee's exposure to moonlight, which disrupted its genetic structure. When Umbreon is aroused, such as when it jumps to attack, or when exposed to the moon's aura, its golden rings sparkle, infusing Umbreon with a strange energy. Umbreon hunts at night and hence has well-developed eyes that can detect prey even in complete darkness. Its black hair allows it to blend into the darkness while waiting for the best opportunity to pounce. When it does, its rings flash dimly but menacingly, and it rushes for the prey's neck before devouring it. Umbreon protects itself by spraying deadly perspiration generated from its pores i