Bug Out 2019 Event

Bug Out! is a Pokémon GO event that runs from April 2, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. PDT through April 9, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT 7).

Bug-type Pokémon will occur more often in the wild during the event, Incense will last twice as long, and more Pokémon will appear while using Incense. A collection of Bug-themed Field Research will be accessible for a short time. As of yet, no new shiny Pokémon have been confirmed.

Bug Out 2019 Event is Here!


Event Details

Event Bug Out!
Date + Time Apr. 2, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PDT to Apr. 9, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7)

  • Bug-type Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.

  • Incense will last twice as long (60 minutes!).

  • More Pokémon will appear when using Incense.

  • Shiny Scyther is now available.

Field Research

  • Limited-time Bug-type Pokémon Field Research will be available during this event.

Bug Out!


Increased Spawns

We expect the following Pokémon to be spawning more frequently during the event:

Caterpie Weedle Paras
Venonat Scyther Pinsir
Ledyba Spinarak Yanma
Wurmple Volbeat Illumise
Anorith Kricketot Combee
Shuckle Pineco

Event Quests

Bug Out! Event Quests
Quest Reward
Catch 15 Bug-type Pokèmon 1500 Stardust
Catch 10 Bug-type Pokèmon Scyther
Catch 5 Ledyba or Spinarak Yanma
Catch 2 Wurmple Caterpie
Evolve 3 Bug-type Pokèmon Nincada

Raid Bosses

Equinox Event Raid Bosses
Tier Boss Guide
EX Deoxys (Defense) Link
5 Giratina (Origin) Link
4 Absol Link
4 Marowak (Alola) Link
4 Ninjask Link
4 Tyranitar Link
3 Shuckle Link
3 Machamp Link
3 Raichu (Alola) Link
3 Scyther Link
3 Pinsir Link
2 Masquerain
2 Exeggutor Link
2 Pineco
2 Mawile Link
2 Combee
1 Caterpie
1 Kricketot
1 Skorupi
1 Shinx

In Conclusion

Be sure to run Incense during this event!

The event reminds me of the main series Bug-Catching Contest, which was introduced in Gold, Silver, and Crystal.

While the rules are completely different, the focus on Scyther is familiar: Scyther, Pinsir, and one family of Bug-type Pokémon (Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree in Silver, Weedle, Kakuna, and Beedrill in Gold) could only be captured during the Bug-Catching Contest. All of the others might be captured in the wild outside of the competition.

There have been no mentions of new shiny Pokémon, but we genuinely hope that more will be introduced. There's also no news on Illumise and Volbeat switching spots. Keep tuned for further details.

Bug Out 2019 Event

Niantic, the creators of Pokemon GO, has provided gamers with many events in March, with the upcoming Lotad Limited Research Day capping out the month. As we approach April, its Community Day event, which will feature the Dragon-type Bagon and take place on April 13, has just been revealed, but we also know that a Bug-themed event will take place prior.

The Bug Out! event will span one week and will include a range of goodies. Among these, we anticipate to see a new shiny bug Pokemon enter the fray, but due to the increased spawns of the event, Pokémon GO players should keep an eye out for shiny bug Pokemon that are currently in the game, including Caterpie, Pinsir, and Pineco. Any new shiny Pokemon are presently unverified at the time of writing.

This event will most likely be similar to the last Equinox-focused Grass event. As a result, gamers may make arrangements to join in this new Pokemon GO event, which starts soon after Lotad Research Day. Here's all we know so far about the upcoming event.

Date + Time

Pokemon GO's Bug Out! event will begin on April 2, 2019 at 1 PM and run through April 9, 2019 at 1 PM.


  • Bug-type Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild. This should include most, if not all, of the following: Caterpie, Weedle, Paras, Venonat, Scyther, Pinsir, Ledyba, Spinarak, Yanma, Wurmple, Volbeat, Illumise, Anorith, Kricketot, Combee, Shuckle, and Pineco.

  • Incense will last twice as long, meaning that these items will last 60 minutes instead of 30.

  • When using an incense, more Pokemon will also appear as a result.

Field Research

In combination with April's Field Research assignments, this event will provide limited-time Pokemon GO Field Research tasks. Doing these activities will not only help players obtain candies from the event, but will also aid them toward their April Field Research Breakthrough, since April is anticipated to be quite similar to March. These new jobs have yet to be released, but based on prior occurrences, players may anticipate 4-5 new chores involving Bug-type Pokemon, as well as 2-3 field encounter prizes involving Bug-type Pokemon.

Pokemon GO had a successful year in 2018, and 2019 seems to be off to a good start. These events serve to bring the community together, and although the popularity of each event differs, the success of Pokemon GO is something that all mobile ARG gamers can aim for.

Pokemon GO is currently available on Android and iOS devices in some countries.



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