Sewaddle #540

Best moveset for Sewaddle

When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Sewaddle's greatest moves are Bug Bite and Seed Bomb. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters.


  Bug Bite 12 dps
  Seed Bomb 31.4 dps


  Struggle Bug 12 dps
  Energy Ball 27.7 dps

 All moves

Quick move Damage EPS DPS
  Bug Bite 5 12 12
  Struggle Bug 15 10 12
Main move Damage EPS DPS
  Seed Bomb 55 -15.7 31.4
  Silver Wind 70 -8.9 22.7
  Energy Ball 90 -12.8 27.7
The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage. Sewaddle is a caterpillar-like Pokémon with a cowl made of a wide, chewed leaf. It has an orange-yellow spherical head with two little, close-together bumps on its forehead. Sewaddle features black and round eyes, as well as a downward-pointing, crescent-shaped orange nose with a sharp small tooth at each end. The underside of its nose and neck is white. Its green body is divided into three segments, each with a pair of stubby, spherical orange legs. Sewaddle generates leafy garments from of chewed-up leaves and a thread-like material produced by its mouth, while Leavanny makes its first outfit after hatching. Its leafy hood is utilized to assist conceal it from adversaries, whether awake or sleeping, by folding it over its face. It has been shown to consume berries, but when food is limited, it has been observed to consume its leafy clothes as a substitute.

Evolution family

Sewaddle is part of a three-member family.
Sewaddle  Sewaddle_shiny #540 Sewaddle
25 Sewaddle_candy
Swadloon Swadloon_shiny #541 Swadloon
100 Sewaddle_candy
Leavanny Leavanny_shiny #542 Leavanny


Method Maximum CP Details
RT-Icon_Encounter Wild 837 907 (weather boosted) In wild since 2020 Aug 14Increased spawns in: Sustainability Week 2022: Apr 20 - 25 Friendship Day, Grass-type Pokémon: 2021 Apr 24 Unova Week: 2020 Aug 14 - 21
Pokemon_Eggs Eggs 558 Increased chance/Previously in: 5-km - Unova Celebration Event: 2021 Jan 5 - 10 5-km - The Seasons Change: 2020 Oct 9 - 19 7-km - Unova Week: 2020 Aug 14 - 21
Emblem_Raid_Battles Raid Battles 558 698 (weather boosted) Tier 1 CP 3,205Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance
RT-Icon_Special-Stamp-1 Research tasks 418 Field Research: Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon: Bug Out 2022 Use an IncenseSustainability Week 2021


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