Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew Community Day in March 13, 2022


Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew Community Day is Here!!

  Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew Community Day 2022 2 The March Community Day for Pokemon Go is almost approaching. This Sunday's event offers both regional varieties of Sandshrew, as well as a few additional unique in-game perks, such as improved incubator efficacy and a number of rare techniques to learn. Everything you need to know about the next event is included below. Pokémon GO is ushering in a new Alolan era with an Alolan-themed Community Day today, featuring Sandshrew and his blue pal, Alolan Sandshrew. It's a great way to add to your collection, learn some special attacks, and receive a pair of shinies. Here's all you need to know about the Sandslash Community Day in Pokémon GO:

Pokemon GO Alolan Sandslash Community Day Start Time

Today, Sunday, March 13, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. local time.

Alolan Sandslash Community Day Exclusive Moves

From 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. local time, ordinary Sandslash will learn the charged attack Night Slash, a Dark move. If you develop Alolan Sandslash instead, they will learn the ghost move fast attack Shadow Claw.

Community Day Special Research Story: Gritty and Glacial

If you spend $1, you will get a special Special Research Story, Gritty and Glacial, which will increase your chances of catching the featured Pokémon and other goodies.

Community Day Event Bonuses

For the duration of the event, you will have 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance. The duration of the Incense and Lure Modules is three hours. Taking photos throughout the event may result in extraordinary cameo appearances.

Community Day Event Bundles

A bundle of 30 Ultra Balls, three Super Incubators, five Lucky Eggs, and one Elite Charged TM can be obtained for 1280 PokeCoins. There's also a package of 30 free Ultra Balls available just during the event.

Alolan Sandslash Community Day Shiny Rates

As with other Community Days, you have a 1 in 25 chance of earning a shiny Sandshrew or an Alolan Sandshrew. I can't tell the difference between shining ordinary Sandshrew and shiny Alolan Sandshrew (Update: apparently it's green, I'm colorblind), but shiny Alolan Sandshrew is a lighter shade of blue that's rather obvious. That should cover all you need to know about Community Day today. I assume there will be more Alolan features in the future since Pokémon GO focuses primarily on that generation, but we'll have to wait and see who pops up next. For the time being, it's time to go find some Sandshrews, as well as their Alolan and flashy forms. Remember to develop your best ones before the conclusion of the tournament (with a two-hour delay) so they can learn their special skills. Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew Community Day in 2022

When is March's Community Day?

The March Community Day for Pokemon Go will occur on Sunday, March 13. The event will last six hours, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time.

Featured Pokemon: Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew

Sandshrew and its ice-type regional version, Alolan Sandshrew, are the stars of March's Community Day. Throughout the event, both kinds will emerge more often in the wild, and you will have a greater chance of meeting shining variants.

Event moves

Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew may both learn a unique move if they develop on Community Day in March. The former will learn Charged Attack Night Slash, while the latter will learn Fast Attack Shadow Claw. You will have until 7 p.m. local time, two hours following the conclusion of March's Community Day, to develop the Pokemon and learn the special moves.

Other event bonuses

Aside from higher Sandshrew spawning, there will be a few in-game benefits available for March's Community Day. To begin, any lure modules and incenses you employ during the event will last three hours instead of the customary two. Furthermore, Pokemon eggs will hatch in a fourth of the time it normally takes. March seems to be another busy month for Pokemon Go. In addition to Community Day in March, gamers can look forward to a Welcome to Alola event and other events this month. Our Pokemon Go March events roundup will keep you up to date on everything taking on in the game. Sandshrew and its Alolan version are the featured animals for the March 2022 Pokémon GO Community Day. Every month, a new Pokémon is featured in Pokémon GO, and its spawn rate is boosted for a brief period. On Sunday, March 13, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time, the March 2022 Community Day will be held. What makes this Community Day unique is that it theoretically boosts the spawn rate for two Pokémon at the same time. However, when it comes to powering up, each of these Pokémon may utilize the same candy. Sandshrew first appeared in Pokémon Red and Blue as one of the series' first Ground-type Pokémon. With the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon some years later, more regional varieties were included, offering more accurate depictions of how the environment might impact specific Pokémon. In the instance of Sandshrew, it transformed it from a Ground-type Pokémon to an Ice-type Pokémon. Sandshrew and Alolan Sandshrew spawn rates will be boosted, and trainers will have a better chance of meeting their Shiny versions. Players must prepare in order to make the most of this timed event. Trainers should strive to acquire at least six Shiny Pokémon, three of the original Sandshrew and three of its Alolan counterpart, to fully take advantage of the March Community Day in Pokémon GO. The Pokédex records which Shiny Pokémon the trainer has so far caught. While their statistical ability remains same, their chances of being found have risen from 1/500 to 1/25. While this event only lasts six hours, players should try to capture at least six of them. Any remaining funds may be utilised for future deals.

Sandshrew Community Days Tips and Tricks in Pokémon GO

The best Alolan Sandshrew Counters in Pokémon Go.
  To get a special attack, Pokémon GO users need develop Sandshrew into Sandslash during or no later than two hours after the event ends. Kanto Sandslash will learn Charged Attack Night Slash, while Alolan Sandslash will learn Shadow Claw. Other event perks include a 25% increase in egg hatch distance for eggs deposited in Incubators during the event. Incenses and Lure Modules will also be available for three hours throughout the event, making it simpler for players to participate from home. Gritty and Glacial is a premium Special Research devoted to all things Sandshrew. It costs roughly $1 USD and provides extra activities for trainers to accomplish throughout the day. However, they must be removed before the event concludes. Sandshrew spawn rates will return to normal after Community Day. If there are any lingering Sandshrew-related duties on the trainer's Special Research Tasks list, completing them after the event will be significantly more difficult.


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