Guide: How To Win The Regirock Boss Raid in Pokémon GO

A new month has arrived, and a new legendary Pokemon is arriving in Pokemon Go for a short period. Regirock has returned to five-star raids through Feb. 9, offering you another opportunity to acquire the legendary rock type. Here are some methods to help you battle and capture Regirock before it exits the game again.

ON THIS PAGE: Guide: How To Win The Regirock Boss Raid in Pokémon GO

Regirock weaknesses[ps2id id='Regirock weaknesses' target=''/]

Regirock is a pure rock-type Pokemon, which makes it susceptible to a handful of common Pokemon types. Specifically, the legendary Pokemon is sensitive to grass, water, ground, fighting and steel, therefore any Pokemon of those categories will be useful while battling against it.

Regirock Raid In Depth

Best Regirock counters[ps2id id='Best Regirock counters' target=''/]

Here are some recommended Pokemon and moves to use against Regirock when challenging the legendary Pokemon in raids:


  • Mega Venusaur: Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant
  • Sceptile: Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant
  • Torterra: Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant
  • Tangrowth: Vine Whip, Solar Beam
  • Chesnaught: Vine Whip, Solar Beam


  • Mega Blastoise: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
  • Mega Gyarados: Waterfall, Hydro Pump
  • Swampert: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
  • Kyogre: Waterfall, Surf
  • Samurott: Waterfall, Hydro Cannon


  • Groudon: Mud Shot, Earthquake
  • Rhyperior: Mud-Slap, Earthquake
  • Garchomp: Mud Shot, Earth Power
  • Golurk: Mud-Slap, Earth Power
  • Landorus: Mud Shot, Earth Power


  • Machamp: Counter, Dynamic Punch
  • Heracross: Counter, Close Combat
  • Breloom: Counter, Dynamic Punch
  • Hariyama: Counter, Dynamic Punch
  • Conkeldurr: Counter, Dynamic Punch


  • Metagross: Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash
  • Dialga: Metal Claw, Iron Head
  • Cobalion: Metal Claw, Iron Head
  • Zacian: Metal Claw, Iron Head
  • Zamazenta: Metal Claw, Iron Head

Best moves for Regirock[ps2id id='Best moves for Regirock' target=''/]

Like the other members of the Regi trio, Regirock is mostly a defensive Pokemon, but it can be a good counter against flying, ice and bug Pokemon if you teach it rock-type moves. In particular, you'll want to give the legendary Pokemon the Fast Attack Rock Throw and the Charged Attack Stone Edge.

February is shaping up to be another hectic month for Pokemon Go. After Regirock exits the game, the legendary Pokemon Registeel will return to raids for a short period, while the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto event will take place on Feb. 26. You can check everything else occurring in the game this month in our February events roundup.

First published on Feb. 1, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. PT.

READ MORE: New Official Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Expansion Cards Are Announced!

regirock pokémon go


Are you ready to face again one of the fabled "Golems" of the Hoenn triad, awoken after a long millennial sleep? Then be ready to encounter Regirock, the mysterious Peak Pokémon. It will be able to battle him in level 5 raids for a limited period, from 10:00 am on February 1st to 10:00 am on February 9th inclusive. In this era it will also be able to discover it in its chromatic form.

Follow us in this tutorial to find out how to cope with the fifth generation legendary Pokémon.

100 percent correlates to 1784 PL whereas the lowest one you can discover, 66 percent , will have 1703 PL. We will be able to meet it enhanced only in the situation of Partly Cloudy weather: in these conditions the extremes correspond to 2230 PL and 2129 PL.


Regirock is a Rock-type Pokémon, hence its vulnerabilities are to type moves: Fighting, Water, Steel, Ground and Grass.

The top attackers, in terms of damage per second, are:

  • Metagross (Pugnoscarica / Meteorpugno)
  • Lucario (Counterattack / Sphere Force)
  • Conkeldurr (Counterattack / Dynamic Punch)
  • Breloom (Counterattack / Grass Snare)
  • Zarude (Whip / Whip)
  • Kyogre (Waterfall / Surf)

In clear weather the best attacker becomes Zarude followed by other Ground and Grass type Pokémon such as Landorus Forma Totem, Groudon, Excadrill, Garchomp and Roserade correspondingly. In the case of overcast conditions, the best attacker becomes Lucario, followed by the other Fighting-type Pokémon on the list and then Machamp, Sirfetch’d and Hariyama.

In Rainy conditions the greatest attacker becomes Kyogre, followed by other Water-type Pokémon like Samurott, Empoleon and Kingler.

In case of Snow weather it is advised to utilize the Steel-type Pokémon featured in the list, followed by Dialga and Genesect with Steel-type attacks.

As the Mega Evolutions mechanism has been added, the greatest attackers become MegaBlastoise, MegaGyarados, and MegaVenusaur, respectively, when utilized in combat.


To accurately determine the minimal number of players required to overcome Regirock, it is vital to take into consideration the following variables:

Level of each player's attacking Pokémon;\sWeather throughout the game;\sFriendship level between players.
Here are some unusual circumstances.

3 Players
In this circumstance it is feasible to defeat it under particular conditions: without considering the damage advantage associated to friendship, it becomes beatable by deploying Metagross teams at level 40 with upgrading of the Snow weather (it will be required to rejuvenate the team 1/2 times). With 2 best friends and weather in favor, it is possible to use teams of other attackers to complete the feat: Zarude, Landorus Forma Totem, Groudon and Excadrill with clear weather, Kyogre with rain weather, Conkeldurr and / or Lucario with cloudy weather, always at level 40 (even in this situation it will be necessary to revitalize 1/2 the team).

4 Players
In this situation it is possible to defeat him under certain conditions: without considering the enhancement of the weather and the damage bonus linked to friendship, it becomes beatable by deploying all the recommended attackers at level 40 (in this case it will be necessary to revitalize the team 1/2 times)

5 Players
In this situation it is possible to defeat him under certain conditions: without considering the enhancement of the weather and the damage bonus linked to friendship, it becomes beatable by deploying all the attackers recommended at level 30 (also in this case it will be necessary to revitalize the team 1/2 times) .

READ MORE: New Official Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Expansion Cards Are Announced!

CONCLUSIONS[ps2id id='CONCLUSIONS' target=''/]

Regirock Raid In Depth

Regirock presents itself as a challenging Pokémon to deal with since, owing to its extremely high Defense stat, it will take a long time to overcome it and the losses will be considerable. The idea is to improve the Metagross and the other attackers to at least level 30 and fight him in 6/7 players to minimise the losses and be sure to defeat him before time runs out. Finally, the idea is always to employ Pokémon with extremely effective attacks since they promise a bigger damage of 60 percent .


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