List of Regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO Solrock and Lunatone
Pokémon GO Solrock and Lunatone
Some Pokémon in Pokémon GO are only found in particular places of the globe and cannot be found elsewhere. Region Exclusive Pokémon are these Pokémon, and there are presently 38 verified region-exclusive Pokémon species. This article contains every region-locked Pokémon as well as their locations.

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List of Regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO[ps2id id='List of Regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO' target=''/]

Regional Pokémon
Pokémon Location
Farfetch'd South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong
Kangaskhan Australia
Mr. Mime Europe
Tauros The United States and Southern Canada
Heracross Central and Southern American Regions
Corsola Between 31N and 26S Latitudes (Coastal Regions only)
Plusle Worldwide (Formerly North and South Americas and Africa)
Minun Worldwide (Formerly Europe, Asia, and Australia)
Volbeat Europe, Asia, and Australia
Illumise North and South Americas and Africa
Torkoal Western Asian and South-Eastern Asian Regions
Zangoose Europe, Asia, and Australia
Seviper North and South Americas and Africa
Lunatone Europe, Asia, and Australia
Solrock North and South Americas and Africa
Tropius African and Middle-eastern Regions
Relicanth New Zealand and Oceania
Pachirisu Arctic Hemisphere Regions(Parts of Canada, Alaska, and Russia)
Chatot Southern Hemisphere
Carnivine Southeastern United States
Shellos Shellos West Sea (pink) is found in the Western Hemisphere while Shellos East Sea (blue) is found in the Eastern Hemisphere
Mime Jr. Europe (5 km eggs)
Uxie Asia-Pacific
Mesprit Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa
Azelf North and South Americas and Greenland
Pansage Asia-Pacific Region
Pansear Europe, Middle East, Africa and India
Panpour North and South Americas, and Greenland
Sawk Europe, Asia and Australia
Throh North and South Americas, and Africa
Basculin The Red-Striped Form is found in the Eastern HemisphereThe Blue-Striped Form is found in the Western Hemisphere
Maractus Mexico, Central America and South America
Sigilyph Egypt and Greece
Bouffalant New York and surrounding areas
Heatmor Eastern Hemisphere
Durant Western Hemisphere
Klefki France
Oricorio (Baile) Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
Oricorio (Pom-Pom) The Americas
Oricorio (Pa'u) African, Asian, Pacific and Caribbean Islands
Oricorio (Sensu) Asia-Pacific Region
Furfrou (Debutante) The Americas
Furfrou (Diamond) Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
Furfrou (Star) Asia-Pacific Region
Furfrou (La Reine) France
Furfrou (Kabuki) Japan
Furfrou (Pharaoh) Egypt
Comfey Hawaii
Flabebe (Red Flower) Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
Flabebe (Yellow Flower) The Americas
Flabebe (Blue Flower) Asia-Pacific Region

In Pokémon GO, how can you obtain Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Tauros, and Mr.Mime?[ps2id id='In Pokémon GO, how can you obtain Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Tauros, and Mr.Mime?' target=''/]

Regional Pokémon from Generation 1 are frequent spawns encountered in the wild, but exclusively in their own areas. There's nothing unique to know about locating them; they're prevalent in parks, cities, and other comparable settings.
  • Farfetch’d → South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong
  • Kangaskhan → Australia
  • Mr. Mime → Europe
  • Tauros → The United States and Southern Canada

How can you get Heracross and Corsola in Pokémon Go?[ps2id id='How can you get Heracross and Corsola in Pokémon Go?' target=''/]

Generation 2 Regional Pokémon are more difficult to capture than Generation 1 Regional Pokémon, owing to Corsola's unique spawning circumstances. It only spawns between 1 to 2 miles of the shore and only within certain geographical latitudes (tropic zone)
  • Heracross → everywhere in South America
  • Corsola → between 31N and 26S Latitudes, water areas near the coast

Mechanic of Furfrou Form Change[ps2id id='Furfrou Form Change Mechanic' target=''/]

Furfrou's appearance in Pokémon GO heralds the introduction of a new feature that allows you to modify the shapes of particular Pokémon. To modify Furfrou's trim, follow these steps:
  • Furfrou starts with its Natural Trim. This is the only variation that is catchable.
  • Select Furfrou from your Pokémon store, then hit the 'Change Form' button to bring up a menu with the Trims available. The trims that are offered may vary depending on where you live.
  • Choose your favorite Trim.
  • Changing your Furfrou's Trim from one to another will cost you 25 Furfrou Candy and 10,000 Stardust.

Oricorio[ps2id id='Oricorio' target=''/]

Oricorio makes its dazzling Pokémon GO debut during the Festival of Colors event! While Oricorio in the main series changes their appearance by consuming nectar from various flowers, the forms in Pokémon GO are now regional and cannot be modified. Each Oricorio's type alters according on the nectar taken, making it a more difficult mechanic for GO. The following happens in the main series: When Red Nectar is put on Oricorio, it transforms into Baile Style, where it becomes Fire and Flying. When Yellow Nectar is applied to Oricorio, it transforms into Pom-Pom Style, where it becomes Electric and Flying. When Pink Nectar is put on Oricorio, it transforms into Pa'u Style, where it becomes Psychic and Flying. When Purple Nectar is put on Oricorio, it transforms into Sensu Style, where it becomes Ghost and Flying.   These forms are currently only catchable in their respective areas and cannot be altered. It is uncertain if this will alter in the future. For the time being, you will have to go to other areas or trade with other trainers who have traveled to gather all of the various Oricorio styles.

What Makes a Pokémon a Regional?[ps2id id='What Makes a Pokémon a Regional?' target=''/]

As Niantic has released more Pokémon into the world for us to discover, certain Pokémon have become more difficult to locate owing to their location in particular locations of the world, necessitating devoted trainers to travel to capture these otherwise elusive Pokémon. When a new generation of Pokémon is announced, it naturally brings new regions to the forefront. So far, Kalos has seen Klefki, Flabébé, and Furfrou as regionals, with the latter serving as a new form altering mechanic, while Alola has brought us Comfey and the Oricorio styles. Many of the regional Pokémon are divided into regions based on rivalry. In the main series games, for example, Seviper and Zangoose had a lengthy rivalry, frequently fighting and pursuing one other. They are based on a snake and a mongoose, and the mongoose is a snake's predator in the actual world. Mongoose are resistant to snake poison and will kill and devour them. Other regionals are regional due to the areas on which the main series games are based. Klefki is from Kalos, which is supposed to be headquartered in France, hence he is a French regional. Comfey is an Alola regional, which is located in Hawaii, hence he can only be found there. Others, like as Tauros, Maractus, Sigilyth, and Bouffalant, are based on where the idea for the Pokémon was located. Others, like the Lake Trio and the elemental monkeys, are simply because Niantic opted to make them regional and divide the globe into three. With that stated, let's learn about the game's regional Pokémon!
Regional Pokémon
Regional Pokémon


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