Elite TM Tier List

Mewtwo meta analysis
Mewtwo meta analysis
A comprehensive tier list of best Pokémon and moves to use your Elite TM’s on. Includes both Elite Fast TM and Elite Charge TM.

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Elite TMs[ps2id id='Elite TMs' target=''/]

In previous encounters, mentors that accomplished position 7 or higher in the GO Battle League were conceded the award of an Elite TM toward the finish of the time as an award for their endeavors. These exceptional TM's award the client the capacity to have the option to pick their ideal Fast or Charged move as opposed to having to re-roll and trust that it lands on the right move. This can be a horrible when you are just attempting to show your Pokémon a specific move as a great deal of the time it can continue to bob between undesired moves which can baffle. Besides the fact that mentors can pick a move, yet the Elite TM likewise concedes the client the capacity to permit Pokémon to gain moves from past Raid Days/Community Days (Legacy Moves) which isn't workable for standard Tm's. The consuming inquiry on numerous mentors minds is obviously what the most noteworthy need Pokémon is utilize this flexible thing on. I'll separate my picks for the top Pokémon to browse as a level rundown.

S Tier[ps2id id='S Tier' target=''/]

Mewtwo (Shadow Ball + Psystrike)[ps2id id='Mewtwo (Shadow Ball + Psystrike)' target=''/]

Mewtwo Coming in at our top pick is Mewtwo. This Pokemon has had 3 special features moves in the past which are presently not available to get. These moves are Shadow Ball Ghost, Psystrike Psychic and Hyper Beam Normal. Barring Hyper Beam, these moves have made this all around solid Pokémon into one of the most grounded going after beasts in the game. The principle issue was that Mewtwo could know each of these stalwart moves in turn. Shadow Ball was a unique heritage move and Psystrike was an occasion move. Presently for the overwhelmed part. With an Elite TM, you can have a Mewtwo that can now approach both these Charge Moves. Not exclusively will this be great in the GO Battle League, yet in addition for different pieces of the game like Raiding and taking out Gyms effortlessly.

A Tier[ps2id id='A Tier' target=''/]

Dewgong (Ice Shard + Icy Wind)[ps2id id='Dewgong (Ice Shard + Icy Wind)' target=''/]

Dewgong Ice Shard Ice and Icy Wind Ice are both inheritance continues on Dewgong that, when joined can flip around a game in the Great League. It has extraordinary mass with a detail it is both spammable and strong to bring down move that. Cold Wind brings rivals into broadened battles with its detail debuff and Ice Shard is a low energy cost Charge Move that can dole out significant harm. For Dewgong to show its actual potential, it requires both of these Charge Moves. Having a Dewgong that as of now has one of these 2 actions will be the most effective way to get it except if you spend the robust venture of 2 Elite TM's on this Pokémon which you would need to hold on until the finish of Season 2.

Zapdos (Thunder Shock)[ps2id id='Zapdos (Thunder Shock)' target=''/]

Zapdos Thunder Shock Electric Zapdos was realistic an extended period of time back as an exploration advancement experience. Thunder Shock is a speedy energy-producing Fast Move that has a comparable EPS (Energy Per Second) to moves, for example, Mud Shot and Psycho Cut. Matched with Drill Peck Flying and Thunderbolt Electric, Zapdos and its Shadow variation have overwhelming potential in the Great League against flow meta Pokémon like Azumaril, Registeel, Swampert, Skarmory, Toxicroak and Tropius.

B Tier[ps2id id='B Tier' target=''/]

Mew[ps2id id='Mew' target=''/]

Mew Mew is an extraordinary Pokémon on this rundown because of the way that it has no heritage moves or any already impractical moves. The principle motivation behind why an Elite TM would be smart to use on Mew is that Mew can become familiar with an astounding 25 Charge Moves which make it the most flexible Pokémon in the game. This is extraordinary for mentors that are falling short on TM's and need to acquire their ideal moveset without the problem of going through their entire inventories worth. The excellence about Mew is that you can position it to work with any group structure. Some famous moveset blends that have shown accomplishment with undeniable level mentors have been to run Mew with… Shadow Claw + Flame Charge and Wild Charge to manage Steel types and furnishes an assault increment with each Flame Charge utilized. It additionally gives inclusion to Water Pokémon like Azumaril. Shadow Claw + Flame Charge and Surf to startlingly nuke your rival and to manage tanky Steel and Rock type Pokémon. Shadow Claw + Psyshock and Overheat to nuke Steel types and to cause destruction from the beginning into a battle before the detail debuff of Overheat. Shadow Claw + Surf and Rock Slide to have the most malicious moves Mew brings to the table and furthermore to manage Fire types. Shadow Claw + Wild Charge and Ice Beam to have Flying sort inclusion and to surprise normal meta Pokémon.

Blaziken (Stone Edge)[ps2id id='Blaziken (Stone Edge)' target=''/]

Blaziken Legend recounts a fire chicken we as a whole know and love once having the option to learn Stone Edge Rock. The most uncommon inheritance move in all the land. This move was just available for a short measure of time for Blaziken and shockingly has its utilization in PvP. It offers adaptability in Great League and, surprisingly, Ultra League (Premier). Shockingly Brave Bird allows Blaziken an opportunity against Altaria and a solid impartial harm choice against its Water type counters. Stone Edge Blaziken has better potential in Silph Arena competitions as opposed to a free-form design. It has the unexpected element that will rattle a many individuals while experiencing the same thing to safeguard or not.

Moltres (Sky Attack)[ps2id id='Moltres (Sky Attack)' target=''/]

Moltres Moltres is most practically identical to Charizard just without the snare/spam potential. One of the primary reasons you would involve Moltres over Charizard in PvP is to manage Fighting sorts all the more successfully, be that as it may, generally speaking Charizard would be the better pick. Sky Attack is less expensive then Blast Burn and can have its advantages which can be powerful in the Great League meta.

Gengar (Shadow Punch)[ps2id id='Gengar (Shadow Punch)' target=''/]

Gengar Gengar is an especially impressive Pokémon that approaches Shadow Punch, a quick charging solid move that has astonishing trap potential. Gengar accessed this move for Gastly people group day back in July 2020. Gengar can possibly clear with safeguards with its very high assault detail matched with its moves. Gengar has positive matchups against a few top level Great League picks like Azumaril, Skarmory, Alolan Marowak, Toxicroak and Defense Deoxys.

Community Day / Shadow Pokémon Elite TM Tier List[ps2id id='Community Day / Shadow Pokémon Elite TM Tier List' target=''/]

Assuming you've at any point been experiencing the same thing where you have gotten yourself an optimal Pokémon from past local area days and generally wished it had those incredibly amazing occasion moves, then your opportunity has at last arrived. This can be an incredible choice for mentors that are into PvP and have an ideal IV Pokémon for fights however not the right select move. Without separating these Pokémon into various records, I have appraised them all in the accompanying diagram from the primary Community Day to the latest.
Pokémon Move Tier
Venusaur Frenzy Plant S
Charizard Blast Burn S
Swampert Hydro Cannon S
Meganium Frenzy Plant S
Sceptile Frenzy Plant S
Metagross Meteor Mash S
Tyranitar Smack Down (fast) S
Rhyperior Rock Wrecker S
Gengar Shadow Punch S
Beedrill Drill Run S
Gyarados Aqua Tail S
Marowak (Alola) Shadow Bone S
Electivire Flamethrower A
Magmortar Thunderbolt A
Charizard Dragon Breath A
Dragonite Draco Meteor A
Blastoise Hydro Cannon A
Eevee Last Resort (Eevee evolutions) A
Typhlosion Blast Burn A
Feraligatr Hydro Cannon A
Blaziken Blast Burn A
Torterra Frenzy Plant A
Flygon Earth Power A
Infernape Blast Burn A
Empoleon Hydro Cannon A
Pikachu Surf B
Shiftry Bullet Seed B
Porygon-Z Tri Attack B
Ampharos Dragon Pulse B
Mamoswine Ancient Power B
Salamence Outrage B
Slaking Body Slam B
Ralts Synchronoise (both evolutions) B

A note on Shadow Pokémon[ps2id id='A note on Shadow Pokémon' target=''/]

Shadow Pokémon Disclaimer: Elite TM's can NOT eliminate Frustration from Shadow Pokémon, so to get these moves you would either have to open a second Charged Move or have recently taken out Frustration during the accessible window. As we probably are aware now, Shadow Pokémon have a 20% higher Attack than its generally expected structure however have a 20% brought down protection making them more lustrous yet managing progressively more harm by and large. Shadow Pokémon, because of this reality can be unsafe yet with enough practice, they can be destructive in the right hands. Something to remember is that Charizard has another inheritance move which can be really valuable in PvP. This move is Wing Attack which, at this point is a very uncommon Charge Move to have on Charizard. In specific circumstances, Wing Attack can supersede Fire Spin as a Fast Move. Against Pokémon that are impervious to Fire type moves, Wing Attack will actually want to manage strong unbiased harm and has a superior opportunity to manage its harassers like Whiscash and Altaria.

Moves that can be obtained via Elite TMs[ps2id id='Moves that can be obtained via Elite TMs' target=''/]

Credits for formatting the data mined list go to this kind redditor.
Pokémon Moves
Alakazam Counter Dazzling Gleam Psychic
Ampharos Dragon Pulse
Arcanine Bite Bull Doze
Articuno Hurricane
Beedrill Bug Bite Drill Run
Blastoise Hydro Cannon
Blaziken Stone Edge Blast Burn
Breloom Grass Knot
Butterfree Bug Bite
Charizard Ember Wing Attack Blast Burn Flamethrower Dragon Breath
Charmeleon Scratch
Clefable Pound
Cleffa Body Slam Psychic
Cloyster Blizzard
Cobalion Sacred Sword
Dewgong Ice Shard Aqua Jet Icy Wind
Dodrio Air Cutter
Doduo Swift
Dragonite Dragon Pulse Draco Meteor
Eevee Body Slam Last Resort
Ekans Gunk Shot
Electrode Tackle
Elekid Thunderbolt
Electivire Flamethrower
Empoleon Hydro Cannon
Espeon Last Resort
Exeggutor Zen Headbutt
Farfetch'd Cut
Fearow Twister
Feraligatr Water Gun Hydro Cannon
Flareon Last Resort Heat Wave
Flygon Earth Power
Gallade Synchronoise
Gardevoir Synchronoise
Gastly Sucker Punch Ominous Wind
Gengar Lick Sludge Wave Dark Pulse Psychic Shadow Punch
Glaceon Last Resort
Graveler Rock Slide
Golbat Ominous Wind
Gyarados Dragon Tail Dragon Pulse Aqua Tail
Haunter Lick
Hitmonchan Rock Smash Brick Break
Hitmonlee Stomp Brick Break
Hypno Psyshock
Igglybuff Body Slam
Infernape Blast Burn
Jigglypuff Body Slam Play Rough
Jolteon Last Resort
Jynx Pound Ice Punch
Kabutops Fury Cutter
Kangaskhan Stomp Brick Break
Kingdra Water Gun
Kingler Mud Shot
Lapras Ice Shard Ice Beam Dragon Pulse
Leafeon Last Resort
Lickilicky Body Slam
Lickitung Body Slam
Lugia Aero Blast
Machamp Karate Chop Submission Stone Edge
Machoke Cross Chop
Machop Low Kick
Magby Flamethrower
Magmortar Thunderbolt
Mamoswine Ancient Power
Meganium Frenzy Plant
Meowth Body Slam
Marowak (Alola) Shadow Bone
Metagross Meteor Mash
Mewtwo Psystrike Shadow Ball Hyper Beam
Mewtwo (Armored) Psystrike
Moltres Sky Attack
Muk Lick
Nidoking Fury Cutter
Ninetales Ember Flamethrower Fire Blast
Omanyte Rock Tomb Brine
Omastar Rock Throw Rock Slide
Onix Rock Slide Iron Head
Parasect Bug Bite
Persian Night Slash
Pidgeot Wing Attack Air Cutter Gust
Pikachu Present Surf Thunder (Pikachu Libre cannot learn these)
Pinsir Submission
Politoed Earthquake
Poliwhirl Scald
Poliwrath Submission
Porygon Tackle Zen Headbutt Signal Beam Psybeam Discharge
Porygon-Z Tri Attack
Primeape Karate Chop Cross Chop
Ponyta Fire Blast
Raichu Thunder
Rapidash Ember
Rhydon Megahorn
Rhyperior Rock Wrecker
Salamence Outrage
Sandshrew Rock Tomb
Sceptile Frenzy Plant
Scyther Steel Wing Bug Buzz
Seadra Blizzard
Seaking Poison Jab Drill Run Icy Wind
Seel Water Gun Aqua Jet
Shedinja Struggle Bug
Shiftry Bullet Seed
Slaking Body Slam
Smoochum Frost Breath
Snorlax Yawn
Spearow Twister
Starmie Tackle
Suicune Hidden Power
Swampert Hydro Cannon
Tangela Power Whip
Togepi Zen Headbutt
Togetic Zen Headbutt Steel Wing
Torterra Frenzy Plant
Typhlosion Blast Burn
Tyranitar Smack Down
Umbreon Last Resort
Vaporeon Last Resort
Venomoth Bug Bite
Venusaur Frenzy Plant
Voltorb Signal Beam
Weepinbell Razor Leaf
Zapdos Thunder Shock
Zubat Sludge Bomb

My Final Words[ps2id id='My Final Words' target=''/]

The decision is yours when you accept your Elite TM, obviously, there will be a ton to factor in and the choice probably won't be simple for certain coaches. Ideally, this article will direct you into concluding what Pokémon you need to put this thing into. In the event that you're after by and large execution, I would strongly suggest Mewtwo for its flexibility, in any case, in the event that you're more into the PvP side of things, seeing what group you use and what could be improved ought to assist in your choice. Good luck coaches, and make sure to remain safe!   https://pokemongocentral.one/2022/04/20/elite-tm-tier-list/?feed_id=4434&_unique_id=62604fd03e7b8


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