
Litleo #667

Best moveset for Litleo When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Litleo's greatest techniques are Fire Fang and Flamethrower. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters. Offense      Fire Fang 16  dps     Flamethrower 38.2  dps Defense      Fire Fang 16  dps     Flame Charge 22.1  dps    All moves Quick move Damage EPS DPS     Ember 10 10 12     Tackle 5 10 12     Fire Fang 12 8.9 16 Main move Damage EPS DPS     Flamethrower 70 -22.7 38.2     Flame Charge 70 -8.7 22.1     Crunch 70 -10.3 21.9 The moves indicated in green benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage. Biology Litleo is a leonine quadruped Pokémon. It has dark brown fur with light brown paws, ears, tail tip, and face. It features a short, rounded snout with a red

Druddigon #621

Best moveset for Druddigon When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Druddigon's greatest moves are Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters. Offense      Dragon Tail 16.4  dps     Dragon Claw 35.3  dps Defense      Dragon Tail 16.4  dps     Dragon Claw 35.3  dps    All moves Quick move Damage EPS DPS   Bite 6 8 12   Dragon Tail 15 8.2 16.4 Main move Damage EPS DPS   Hyper Beam 150 -26.3 39.5   Night Slash 50 -15 22.7   Dragon Claw 50 -19.4 35.3 The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage. Evolution family Druddigon is part of a one-member  family . Regular Shiny 308. # 621   Druddigon Availability Druddigon was released at th

Hippowdon #450

 Best moveset for Hippowdon When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Hippowdon's greatest moves are Fire Fang and Earth Power. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters. Offense      Fire Fang 13.3  dps     Earth Power 33.3  dps Defense      Ice Fang 8  dps     Earth Power 33.3  dps    All moves Quick move Damage EPS DPS     Bite 6 8 12     Fire Fang 12 8.9 13.3     Thunder Fang 12 13.3 10     Ice Fang 12 13.3 8 Main move Damage EPS DPS     Earthquake 140 -27.8 46.7     Stone Edge 100 -43.5 43.5     Body Slam 50 -17.4 26.3     Earth Power 100 -13.9 33.3     Weather Ball 55 -20.6 34.4     Frustration  Shadow 10 -16.5 5     Return  Purified 35 -47.1 50 The green moves benefit from the Same Type

December 2019 Community Day

December 2019 Community Day is Here!   On the 14th and 15th of December , Pokémon Go will bring back all of its 2019 Community Day critters for a recap weekend.The game did this last year as well, and it's a clever method to catch up on everything you missed. All past Community Day exclusive moves, including all 2018 Community Day moves, will be accessible again upon developing. So, if you have a Larvitar, Beldum, or Bagon lying around waiting to develop, now is the moment. When you level them up throughout the weekend, they'll gain meta-defining attacks. The Community Day weekend will take place on Saturday, December 14th, and Sunday, December 15th, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m . During that time, all 2019 Community Day Pokémon will emerge in the wild more regularly. Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Ralts, Slakoth, Trapinch, Bagon, Turtwig, and Chimchar are examples. During this 12-hour span, all previous Community Day unique moves w

Victreebel #071

Victreebel from Generation 1 Pokemon 71 in the Pokedex... He lives in Kanto and is a Pokémon of the poisonous and grassy types. This is the final stage of Pokémon developmen in bellsprout Parameters and characteristics of Pokemon Victreebel Max BS 2748 Атака 207 Protection 135 Resistance 190 How to find and catch Pokémon Victribell? Victreebel Pokémon are most commonly seen in parks and wetlands. It is possible to catch it in squares, fields, and forests, meadows and countryside, near overgrown lakes, industrial areas, and near factories. Victreebel is a rare sighting on the map. The only way to get it is to evolve. Pokemon vipinbell or find it at an event.   Evolution family Victreebel is part of a three-member family. Regular 29. #069  Bellsprout 25 #070   Weepinbell 100 #071  Victreebel   Shiny   29. #069  Bellsprout 25 #070  

Mudkip #258

Biology Mudkip is a quadrupedal amphibious Pokémon. It has a pale blue underbelly and a blue body. Mudkip has a huge head with a top blue fin and a light blue tail fin. It features black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped cheek gills. Mudkip can sense changes in air and water currents, as well as bodies of water, by utilizing the fin on its head. As shown in the anime, its fin may also point in a certain direction. Mudkip has the ability to move or smash rocks bigger than himself. Its enormous tail fin generates great acceleration, allowing it to move through the water. Mudkip is a rather gentle Pokémon, according to its Pokémon Ranger site page. Mudkip is more usually seen in zoos, however it may also be found in swamps and other wetlands. It sleeps in the wild by burrowing itself in the earth along the water's edge. Evolution family Mudkip is part of a three-member family. Regular 132. #258   Mudkip 25 #259  Marshtomp 100 #2